Friday, October 29, 2010


I was reading an article in “Sun Times” and I found an editorial on Vitamin “A”. If this ingredient is listed on any products that you buy, do your research before purchasing. Vitamin “A” is an antioxidant to slow down the aging process. Like everything new, it takes years for the final accuracy to be proven, but too much of it could actually accelerate the growth of skin cancer.
What is the reasoning behind this? When using SPFs, we tend to stay outside longer and lather more lotion on during our time outside. A year long study by the FDA found that vitamin A-laced cream showed tumors and lesions developed up to 21% higher in lab animals.
Why haven’t we read this in magazines and editorials? Why haven’t we heard this being broadcasted on our airwaves and on TV? It is in everything from facial moisturizers to SPFs. My take on this is the beauty industry has too much at stake. Not only would they have to change ingredient formulas but also all their packaging labels. It would cost a fortune! The FDA makes the tobacco industry change labels on cigarettes. No, I am not advocating smoking. It is bad for you.
I will close with this “Read the facts and you decide”. Things in moderation should be your decision.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I'm back!

Ok, so running a campaign for county commissioner took up a lot of time, but now that I lost, things will start being a little more normal around the salon again.