Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Poem from a friend

Here’s a little poem,

Here’s the real story,

The reason for the season,

Christmas Day long ago.

He came wrapped as a baby.

Which is a humble way to arrive.

Announced by angels to shepherds.

Visited by kings when he was two.

When His ministry was done,

Such reaction from some,

To the Jews “Crucify Him!”

To those who believe “My Savior!”

To the doubters “Don’t believe in God?”

To redeem all who trust?

How could this be?

So, after all the unwrapping,

And all the partying too,

If life still feels empty,

There is just one thing to do.

Believe as a child!

It’s something all of us have done.

Thank the Lord above for His great love.

Read His Word daily,

So you will know what to do.

His message is simple,

“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Find a good church,

Which preaches “JESUS.”

“It’s a Wonderful Life”

Let it start today!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why wait to shower after UV exposure?

I was trying to find some information for a friend about Vitamin D, and I came across an article from Natural News that I thought was very interesting.  So why wait to take a shower after UV exposure?  We have that question or "How long should I wait to take a shower after tanning?" asked here a lot.  According to Danna Norek, author of the article in Natural News,  to help your body absorb more vitamin D you need to wait as many hours as possible because "after UV exposure, your skin produces a powdery substance that is then absorbed into the skin and converted to vitamin D by the body. If you wash this off too early, you interfere with the amount of vitamin D made, and hence do not get the full benefit."  She also included tanning indoors but just don't burn. :)  That is our motto here!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Vitamin D Action Needed Now to Protect Pregnancies and Babies "

It feels like deja vu.  Why are we fluttering in cycles in this great country?  It seems like the simple things intelligent people knew when life was simpler is making a comeback!  Look at the wonderful sun.  How long has it been around, better stated created by God.  We have been told for years to stay away from it and lather up with sunscreen.  Ummm now sunscreen is dangerous?  It makes you wonder about all these aliments, which are happening to the young and innocent.  Like, we are everyone’s ginny pig.  STOP messing with us.  Anyway I hope the link will open your mind to a better attitude about tanning.Title was taken from link. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A potential customer dilemma

I feel bad right now.  A new client just walked out.  I know that there probably is a way to handle the situation, but I am still learning.  When he came in, he brought a bottle of lotion with him.  One of the things this year I have done is ask all clients to purchase lotion from our salon to help support us.  In return, I have decreased lotion prices as low as I can possibly go without closing the salon.  Our salon has gone through some rough years, and I have had to find ways to get money to keep my beds up.  In the new release form, we go over this situation, so he asked if he could use his lotion.  I asked him where he got it, and he said “On Line.”  I said no, but he gets 35% off lotion prices if he gets that package.  He Left.  Now, I am trying to figure out what else I could have said.  Nothing comes to mind except I probably should have asked how much he spent and take it from there.