Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sunlight protects against MS

Studies done in 2008 are being challenged once again. According to "The Epoch Times" "new evidence has come to light. . .some of sunlight's apparent ability to protect against MS does not come from Vitamin D." A new study published in March 2010 "used an animal model of MS known as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE)." The animals "were exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, which led to dramatic reductions in the activity of the disease." Of course this is a controlled environment, and studies were done on animals, but wouldn't it be fair to research more on tanning bed usage before presuming that it is a risk. The tanning industry has done many studies, but lobbyists in government against our industry definitely have more money to attack us.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Level I beds

Right now we have 2 beds completed. One is the "Island" and the 20 minute bed, Tropical. We should have the "Beach" up within half of an hour. I am hoping that the "Secret Garden" will be done this afternoon, but it is harder to finish with just two people. We are short-handed for this project. Thank you for your patience with us.

Changing Lamps Level I

Hey, we made a lot of progress yesterday with four of us working. Unfortunetly, there is only two of us working today to finish all four. I will place something here just as soon as we start finishing some of them. Thanks for your patience.