It's getting colder out but that doesn't mean you have to feel the blah of the cold temperature. Nor do you have to let your tan slip and watch the perfect color you worked for all summer fade away. Tanning salons offer safe alternatives to summer beach time. The crew from Endless Summer Tanning will soon be here to blog and answer all your questions and give you tanning tips to keep those winter blues and blahs far away. If you have any questions just let us know and we'll be happy to answer anything we can for you.
Endless Summer Tanning has plenty going on right now and we need your help... We're trying to help FEED THE HUNGRY. You can go to our website ( click the tab marked "Events" and read more about how you can bring can goods and even get discounted tanning for dropping off food for others. We'll be posting more here as well so be sure to check in and of course help out. It takes a community to keep a community running.
Next, look at the left side of this page. Starting December 4th we will have names of local businesses who will be participating in "Light Up Lexington Park". It is our way of bringing the community back into the oldest part of town once again. We need your help to vote! There is a monentary value at stake, so help Endless Summer especially. I think you are going to love our window. Drive on in between December 4th through December 12 and vote on the best decorated store front in Lexington Park. Tell your friends that on December 12th at the Lexington Park Fire Department Tree Lighting tradition you will be able to vote also.
You can leave your comments at the end of any of our posts. We want to hear from you.
Thanks for checking in with us. We couldn't do it without you.